YCSR 1972 Arrowhead Patch
YCSR 1972 Arrowhead Patch
click patch for expanded view
YCSR Pahaquarra Trail Rocker
YCSR Pahaquarra Trail Rocker

Mystery Rockers
Yards Creek Scout Reservation

The rocker was posted on the Pahaquarra Scout Reservation page for a while, then someone said that it was not a Pahaquarra issued patch. After some research, it appears this is from the early days of YCSR. Apparently, the rocker was awarded as part of a Copper Mine Hike from YCSR to the closed Pahquarra site. Please contact me if you have knowledge of the history of this rocker.

The Arrowhead patch was awarded as part of a Copper Mine Hike from YCSR to the closed Pahquarra site. The totem is looking toward your right, the same as the round patches from 1972 to 1981. However in the round patches, the totem was behind the mountains until after 1981.

The date on the left, 1925, is the opening year for Camp Pahaquarra. The date on the right, 1972, is the opening date for YCSR. There is some uncertainty about the issue date for the patch. The Arrowhead Trail is believed to have started in 1973. Ed Dworak contributed this patch. Click patch for an enlarged view in a new window.

Yards Creek Scout Reservation Patch Set
not necessarily shown to scale

Brd R/C Bkg Name Year
RED R WHT RED Pahaquarra

2014 Mar