Sherman Memorial to be Dedicated
A bronze ax and log , mounted on a rose marble base, in memory of the late Ralph A. Sherman, former council commissioner and training chairman will be dedicated on Sunday, May 4 at 2:30 p.m. at Camp Pahaquarra. All adult Scouters and all scouts have been asked to be presented to pay honor to the memory of this fine Scouter of the George Washington Council.
Trenton Evening Times, May 1958 |
Wood Badge paperweight
The log and ax shown in the Camp Pahaquarra Sundial is used in several ways as the Woodbadge logo. George Rewick contributed the photo of the bronze Woodbadge paperweight, shown at the left, Several variations of the log and ax, such as belt buckles, can be found on the web. Unfortunately, George says the paperweight is not available from the Scouts at this time. |
Row 1: Photos and Trenton Times article contributed by David Patterson
Row 2: Photo and supporting text contributed by George Renwick.
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Another Sundial photo
Camp Pahaquarra History
2013 Apr