Camp Neckerchief Slides Set
Camp Pahaquarra
There may be some question about the date on the top-left slide. It is not clear if the date reflect when the slides were first offered for sale or when they were purchased from the camp store. The style of the slide on the top-left definitely looks like 1960s. The totem pole and mountains seem to date this slide as 1971, the year Pahaquarra Scout Reservation closed. Gregg Poppi assures us the slide dates to 1971.
The second row slide is leather and has been well-used. The Scout probably tied it around the neckchief with a string through the four holes.
Some comments by Randall Holden about dating slides: Look at the back. The 'brassy' or shiny metal was used last and that was available in 1971 and also was available in Yards Creek for a few years (more were found when the council office was closed). Slides from earlier were more of a nickel composition that appears grayish. These likely started in the late 1950s. Anything earlier would likely be leather and not metal.
Camp Pahaquarra Patch Collection
Neckerchiefs Row 3, columns 1,2,3