camp pahaquarra 1950s staff neckerchief
Pahaquarra 1950s staff neckerchief
camp pahaquarra 1961 neckerchief
Pahaquarra 1961 camper neckerchief
camp pahaquarra 1962 neckerchief
Pahaquarra 1962 camper neckerchief
camp pahaquarra 1963 neckerchief
Pahaquarra 1963 camper neckerchief
camp pahaquarra 1960 staff neckerchief
Pahaquarra 1960 staff neckerchief
camp pahaquarra 1961s staff neckerchief
Pahaquarra 1961 staff neckerchief
camp pahaquarra 1962 staff neckerchief
Pahaquarra 1962 staff neckerchief
camp pahaquarra 1963 staff neckerchief
Pahaquarra 1963 staff neckerchief
camp pahaquarra 1959 neckerchief
Pahaquarra 1959 Neckerchief
camp pahaquarra 1961 Troop Leader Neckerchief
Pahaquarra 1961 Leader Neckerchief
camp pahaquarra 1962 Troop Leader Neckerchief
Pahaquarra 1962 Leader Neckerchief

Neckerchiefs 1950s-1963
Camp Pahaquarra

We believe the dates shown on our neckerchiefs are correct. However there is some uncertainty. Please contact us if you can help settle the issue of dates.

Ed Dworak writes:
Both the camper and staff neckerchiefs in light gray and in light blue have similar colored "Troop Leader" version. The Troop Leader versions were made by Camp Clerk, Russ Atkinson, and he used to give staff members misprints when he didn't stamp the neckerchiefs correctly. The "Troop Leader" versions were sold in the trading post for something like 50 cents over the regular price so I never bought any. I had a couple given to me by Russ but wore them out.

Camp Pahaquarra Patch collection
Neckerchiefs Row 1,columns 1,2,3,4