camp cowaw 1950s round patch 1
Cowaw 1950s Round Patch 1
camp cowaw 1950s round patch 2
Cowaw 1950s Round Patch 2
camp cowaw 1950s round patch 3
Cowaw 1950s Round Patch 3
camp cowaw 1950s round patch 4
Cowaw 1950s Round Patch 4
camp cowaw round patch1 1958
Cowaw 1958 Round Patch
Brave 1
camp cowaw round patch2 1958
Cowaw 1958 Round Patch
Brave 2
camp cowaw round patch1 1959
Cowaw 1959 Round Patch
Squaw 1
camp cowaw round patch2 1959
Cowaw 1959 Round Patch
Squaw 2

Camp Cowaw
1950s-1959 Round Patches

return to Camp Cowaw Patch Collection
Camp Issues Row 1, columns 4

Bdr R/C Bkg Name Year Comment
ORG R ORG BLK 1950s round 1
GRN R ORG BLK 1950s round 2
YEL R YEL BLK 1950s round 3
GRN R YEL BLK 1950s round 4
GRN R YEL RED 1958 Brave 1
GRN R YEL RED 1958 Brave 2
LGN R LYL RED 1959 squaw 1
GRN R YEL RED 1959 squaw 1
issue with red and black braided headband need