Le massacre de Bande

Bande is located on the road connecting Marche en Famenne and Bastogne. To replace the facts, it is necessary to go up until September 44. At that time, whereas the Germans fled the Alliee army, the resistant ones had delivered engagements to the neighbourhoods of this small village. The Germans not having time« to deal »with resistance, the village in spite of was very preserved.
Repression came however in December.
The 24, the Germans (or many traitors with the service of Germany) made irruption in the houses of the village and took along young people for« a interrogation »on the events of September.
They kept seventeen of them, including nine of the village. Then, other young people were introduced into the group of prisoners. These other young people came from more distant communes. Some were seminarists and had fled Bastogne with the priest  Musty.
On the whole, 35 young people were stopped by Gestapo.
They were stripped their personal purposes, then, in the evening, one aligned them on three rows in front of a house in ruin. Then, they were called one by one in the house where the floor had disappeared, and where the cellar had become an open hole. A shot was heard, and a body rocked in the hole at the time  the following man was called.
Only one managed to escape. It is about Leon Praile and is 21 years old.
It tells:«
One came to seek me in my residence and one led me in baraquement sawmill. There, he was stolen all that I carried on me: watch, money, food. It was asked to me whether I had something to tell on what had occurred in September 44. I obviously answered that I did not know about nothing.
Towards 6H30, one led us opposite the « café de la poste ». We were on three rows, the hands in the air, and framed by armed soldiers. One made us wait a few moments. Then, one after the other, one introduced us into the ruins of the Bertrand house. One intended to burst a shot, sometimes two. Sometimes also, a cry was perceived. That lasted approximately 20 seconds.
By three times, I proposed to my friends to flee all together and to risk the whole for the whole. Now that we could the fate which was reserved to us, run this last chance as much. But my friends did not answer.
I was twenty-fifth. My turn was going to arrive. There was around us ten soldiers, the machine-gun under the shoulder. My determination was taken, my neighbor had been just cut down. I heard the dry blow; it was my turn. A soldier sought me. He led me towards the house. Arrived at 2 meters approximately of the building, I have leaps on him and from a violent one blow of fist in full figure, I extended it on the ground. Then, taking my legs with my neck (grench expression), am fled to me while skirting the wall at a distance of approximately 25 meters. At once, one started to shot in my direction.
The balls whistled around me. But already, the darkness thickened. I crossed the main road like an arrow. I jumped over a barrier and I saved myself through the fields and wood. I passed the river  Wamme. I did not feel even any more that water was frozen. I had, on several occasions to flatten me on the ground to let pass from the German patrols. Lastly, at 4H00 of the morning, I arrived in Lignières, 5 km of Bande where I took refuge in my uncle's. The house was full with Germans, but they slept. My uncle hid me until the release.

Youngest killed man had 16 years, oldest, 32.

Pics of Bande Memorial
