The PBIA/I-95 project is a part of the Palm Beach County MPO Master
Plan. This master plan is made up of 3 projects. The first -
auxiliary lanes from Forest Hill to Southern Blvd. which has been
completed. The second - Okeechobee Blvd. / I-95 interchange,
currently under construction. The third & final phase is the PBIA /
I-95 project.
The PBIA project will consist of 14 new bridges,
with the total length of the project being 1.8 miles, 2.9 km. The
total construction cost is $109 million, and the project is slated to
begin in June, 2000. The benefits of this project will be to provide
direct access to Palm Beach International Airport, to eliminate traffic
congestion in the area, to increase flood plain compensation area, and to
reroute truck and airport traffic from the arterial roadways.