Cianbro opts for Applied Bolting's Squirter™ DTIs on the Calvin Coolidge Bridge

Bellows Falls -  Feb 12, 2002 -
Cianbro Corp. requested to use Squirter™ DTIs on the Calvin Coolidge Bridge reconstruction project  in Northampton Massachusetts.  Cianbro felt that the squirters® would save them time in installation and inspection compared to turn of nut.
Cianbro reports that squirters® really have helped their crew tension more bolts in less time without rework.  And the Massachusetts inspectors can see from the squirt that the bolting is being done accurately.

Founded in 1994, Applied Bolting Technology Products, Inc. manufacturers regular direct tension indicating (DTI) washers, and the new and more popular squirters®. Direct tension indicators provide high levels of bolting quality assurance for bridge, heavy construction, and building specifications. Millions and millions of DTI's have been used all over the USA, Canada, Central America, South America, and through the Middle East and the Pacific Rim.

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