A French attack - picture painted
by the French artist Thiriat |
The postponed attack of 12 February
The attack on Verdun was originally
planned on Saturday 12 February. On the night of the 11th /12th of February the
German troops were placed in position. The German infantry was waiting in their
'stollen', thousands at a time, for the starting signal. At the very last
moment the attack was cancelled. It had began to snow and rain severely,
it was freezing, the wind had increased and turned into a storm and the
visibility was very poor. A large part of the German troops had to remain
in the very primitive 'stollen' that were not equipped for a long stay.
The 'stollen' were not heated and flooded. The overall condition of the
troops got worse every day because of stomach and colon problems and
malnutrition. After nine days of hardships the weather conditions had
improved in such a way that the signal for attack could be given. Most likely the delay saved France from defeat: the two French
divisions, which had been appointed as reinforcements at the very last
moment, could therefore be placed into position. It also gave them the
opportunity to make last minute improvements in their defence.
German soldiers waiting in their
'stollen' |
The start of the German attack
Monday morning 21 February 7.15
heaviest bombing that had thus far ever taken place in a war starts over the entire Verdun front on the left and right side of the river
Meuse and had a frontal latitude of 40 kilometres. Verdun itself is also
heavily bombarded; the entire civilian population is evacuated.
The bombardment is the most horrible thus far; a terrible inferno. The
muzzling fire from the German guns is one uninterrupted sea of fire. Black
grenades fall with a frequency of 40 a minute. [Note: later made
estimations show that in a rectangular of 500 by 1000 meter, 80.000 (sic)
heavy grenades have fallen.]
Map giving the progress of the
German attack from 21 - 25 February |
The bombardment was of such force that it
took reinforcement troops sometimes 8 hours to move 3 kilometres ahead.
The French trenches are completely pulverised, phone lines and artillery
destroyed entirely. Men are ripped to pieces, are buried underneath the
earth or disappear into thin air when hit. Ancient trees are completely
uprooted; human remains are hanging in the branches. It seems like the
world is coming to an end. This horrible bombardment lasts more than 9
long hours.
At 17.15 the German soldiers reappear from their 'stollen' and begin
their attacks on
the Bois d’Haumont
(by the VIIth German army corps), the
Bois des Caures (by the XVIIIth German army corps) and the Bois de l’Herbebois
(by the IIId German army corps). The Germans expect all human life to have
disappeared but to their surprise the bombardment is less effective as has
been expected and persistent and heroic resistance is given from all
directions. In these attacks the Germans use the flame-thrower as an
offensive weapon for the first time. When the evening comes the Bois des Caures
(defended by Colonel Driant and his men) and the Bois de l’Herbebois
are still in French hands; the German war-machine is losing its strength. Only
the Bois d’Haumont is completely in German hands.
eye-witness recalls: ...There is nothing as tiring as the
continuous, enormous bombardment as we have lived through, last
night, at the front. The night is disturbed by light as clear as if
it were day. The earth moves and shakes like jelly. And the men who
are still at the frontline, cannot hear anything but the drumfire,
the moaning of wounded friends, the screams of hurt horses, the wild
pounding of their own hearts, hour after hour, day after day, night
after night.... |
The German
attack could have gone on without resistance to the villages of Brabant
and Samogneux, but when approval is given to do so, it is already too dark
to continue and the march has to come to a halt. The French headquarters
hardly respond. It regards the German attack as a local and unimportant
Tuesday - 22 February The fierce shootings start again, if possible
even more intense than the day before. The left bank of the river Meuse and the Woevre sector (on the right side of the Verdun salient) is also
heavily bombarded. The German attack concentrates on the village of
Haumont and the Bois des Caures, where colonel Driant is surrounded after
heavy combat. He loses his life in this attack. The remaining soldiers
retreat into the village of Beaumont. The village of Brabant is taken
under fire by the Germans and the French decide to evacuate that evening.
At the end of the afternoon the villages of Haumont and the Bois des Caures
are completely in German hands. The Bois de l’Herbebois, however, is
still French, due to fierce resistance. The French headquarters are still
not responding: the incoming reports are still not showing the seriousness
of the situation.
French defenders in the Bois des Caures
during the battle |
Wednesday - 23 February Heavy fighting occurs again this day. The
village of Brabant falls into German where the 351st French
regiment offers fierce resistance and withdraws at Samogneux. The battle
for the Bois de l’Herbebois continues with great violence. A French
counterattack at the Bois des Caures warded off. From the nearby Bois de
Wavrille, the Germans attack the Bois de l’Herbebois from the flank. The
51st French division withdraws but makes the Germans bleed
heavily at the occupation of the Bois de Fosses. The fighting over
Samogneux is fierce but the village is still in French hands. But for how
long? The French are forced to withdraw unto the line
The situation becomes critical: the French are
driven away from their first line of defence; their second and third lines
of defence, which were weak to begin with, are entirely vanished - there
is almost nothing that can stop the Germans now.
At the French headquarters it is slowly becoming clear that the
situation is far more serious than initially thought. Joffre sends one of
his members of staff to Verdun in order to observe the situation.
The Battle of Bois des Caures |
Thursday - 24 February The Germans bring in new offensive troops
into the battle. These are bombarded heavily by the French artillery from
the left bank of the river Meuse, which is after all not being attacked by
the Germans. This was one of the points of criticism against the plan of
Falkenhayn who wanted to attack, solely on the right riverbank. In spite
the heavy bombardment the Germans succeed in taking Cote 344, as well as
the Bois de Fosses, the Bois de Chaume and the village of Ornes. At the
end of the day the situation becomes extremely critical, because the
second line of defence is lost as well.
But precisely on this day French relief
troops have arrived: the XXth army corps, under command of general
Balfourier is going to replace the XXXth army corps of general Crétien. The
troops are getting cold, tired and hungry from the forced marching during
the day but this new troops are thrown into the fray immediately.
French victims after the
bombardment |
Despite the crisis situation in Verdun, the French headquarters receive
positive information; the German offence is supposed to be weakening and
counterattacks would be made. In the evening the chief of the central army
group, general Langle de Cary, calls and delivers a very pessimistic
report. Joffre’s chief of staff, general De Castelnau, advises to send
the IId French army, under the supervision of commander Phillipe Pétain,
as reinforcement to Verdun immediately. He himself leaves for Verdun
instantly with the authority to make the necessary arrangements.
Dead French soldiers are buried by
Germans on the
battlefield |
Friday - 25 February The battle rages on and the French withdraw,
sometimes uncoordinated and panicking, further and further. The Germans
move on and they are approaching the infamous Fort of Douaumont, inch by
inch. The fort’s entrances are poorly defended, because the French
troops are withdrawing.
The incredible happens:
four platoons of the IIIth (Brandenburg) army
corps see the opportunity to take the insurmountable Fort Douaumont
independently. It becomes clear the fort has a minimal garrison of 56
French reservists. This small garrison is due to the fact that at the
fall of Liège in 1914, the surrounding forts were completely destroyed by
the Germans and their heavy guns. The French supreme command was therefore
of the opinion that the forts along the eastern border could no longer be
used for the defence and had them dismantled. The guns, as far as they
were movable, were taken away to be used by offensives somewhere else.
Shortly before, a command has been given to send an army unit to the
fortress as reinforcement but somebody has forgotten to pass on the
(Note: It is said that this misconception of the French supreme command has caused, in
the course of the following months, the lives of at least 100.000 French
soldiers [in French they are called: poilu’s]).
Fort Douaumont in 1915 before
Battle of Verdun |
The conquest of the Douaumont fortress has some immediate consequences
on the battlefield. The 37 African Division (consisting of
the feared Soaves, who would never make prisoners of war and the Moroccan
skirmishers) which is responsible for the defence of the line between
Champneuville, Vacherauville and the village of Douaumont, expect the
German army to break through, now that Fort Douaumont has fallen and
that they will be cut of from Verdun by a pincer movement. This division
withdraws without sheer necessity to Côte de Belleville, the last
hillside before Verdun. Verdun is within reach of the Germans now but they
do not realise that the positions are abandoned and they do not seize the
given opportunity.
Pétain takes defence measures
At the headquarters in Chantilly it slowly becomes clear that the
situation in Verdun is extremely critical. In the evening of the 24 February the chief of staff of the French army, general De Castelnau,
advises his commander-in-chief Joffre to send the entire II French army,
which is kept standby at that moment, to Verdun immediately. The commander
of Verdun is Phillipe Pétain. De Castelnau immediately goes to Verdun
himself to observe the situation, as a representative of Joffre. (At the
beginning of February he already had been in Verdun at the request of
General Herr and took some defence measures.)
General Pétain
(For a biography click the picture) |
General De Castelnau occupies himself, at the arrival at Verdun on the 25th
February with the question of how Verdun can be saved. Evacuation of the
right riverbank is out of the question because a retreat is not in keeping
with the French military ideas of those days. De Castelnau orders that the
right riverbank must be kept at all costs. He takes another measure:
general Herr is dismissed and makes room for general Phillipe Pétain, the
commander of the IIth French army. His direct order is to organise the
defence of the right - as well as the left riverbank immediately.
The exhausted divisions of the XXXth army corps are replaced with fresh
troops from the XXth army corps, which are under the command of general
Balfourier. Pétain gives the order to form a line of defence between the
remaining fortresses (which are occupied immediately) and to maintain this
line of defence at all costs in order to gain time, necessary to commit
reinforcements of his own IIth army corps to battle. This also made it
possible to bring artillery, in a brief period of time, to the right
riverbank of the Meuse and most of all to the left bank of the river Meuse, in order to bring the German army to a hold. Pétain also organises
the supply route between Verdun and the hinterland. There is a narrow
connecting road between Verdun and Bar-le-Duc which is improved and
maintained in such a way that this becomes the life line for the French
troops in Verdun. Later this road is called the Voie Sacrée [Holy
the road along which long lines of people and materials are transported
day and night, to and from Verdun. The Voie Sacrée is Verdun’s life line
during the Battle of Verdun.
more about the famous Voie Sacrée
At this moment gaining time is the most important thing: The Germans
have to be stopped for 2 to 3 days, at all costs. The opportunity to do so
is found in the village of Douaumont, which is situated right next to the
fort and is not yet occupied by the Germans. The village is being defended
by the just arrived French 33rd infantry regiment: an elite
regiment that used to be under the command of Pétain himself.
Saturday - 26 February After raking Fort Douamont the
Germans are planning to march all the way through to Verdun. The German Vth
Infantry Division’s task is to take the village of Douamont and march on
to the Thiaumont- and Froideterre-fortifications. The VIth Infantry Division
receives the assignment to occupy the Bois de la Caillette and the Bois de
Hardoumont, which are situated east of Douaumont. At first this attack
goes smoothly: the Bezonvaux-fortification is deserted and quickly taken.
But then the German troops encounter fierce opposition from the French,
who are firing at the Germans from the higher situated hills around
the Hardoumont-fortification, in order to bring them to a hold. The German
artillery has no back-up because this fortification is registered, due to
a flaw in the co-ordination, as already taken.
French firings are fierce
and it is only after assistance from the earlier warned German artillery,
this fortification is taken. Fort Vaux is in sight but from there the French have a clear shooting area and they keep the Hardoumont-fortification under fire permanently. For the Germans there is no way to
get trough; the German attack stops here.
Just as every other village in the Verdun region, the village of
Douaumont is turned into a very heavy armed fortress; it has more than 30
French machine gun nests. On top of that the French bring a heavy battery
of howitzers into action against the attacking Germans. The French
artillery fire is excruciating: The Germans have to march on in clear view
of the French and experience many losses because of that. The German
trenches are full of corpses en wounded soldiers. The 52nd infantry regiment for instance, has lost 600 out of 900 men. Eventually
the Germans have to retreat.
Sunday - 27 February In the morning the village of Douaumont is under
attack for 4 hours; even a Big Bertha (a 420 mm heavy gun) is put into action. A snowstorm,
however, decreases the visibility. The Germans deploy the 105th (Saxon) Infantry Regiment. In the attack on the village this Regiment is
decimated, because of the French machine guns which destroy their flanks.
The German artillery gets the message, through a false report, that the
attackers have already arrived at the village and they shift their fire
towards the Thiaumont-fortification.
At the besiege which follows, the
French soldiers fire while standing in their trenches, undisturbed by German
artillery fire, from a height at the attacking German troops, which suffer
awful heavy losses. Eventually the Germans enter the village in the middle of a
heavy snowstorm and the man against man fights continue until deep in the
night. The fighting with knives, spades and bayonets is merciless and
losses on both sides are enormously. Regiments report casualty-figures of
more than 50 percent. After 2 days no territorial gain has been made at
The battlefield in front of Fort Douaumont |
Monday - 28 February The next day the fights continue. The remainders
of the 105th Saxon infantry regiment has to march on, even
though they are being fired at from two sides by French machine guns that
fire just a small distance from the ground.
An eye-witness:
soldiers fell over like tin soldiers. Almost all our officers get hurt or
killed and many of our men get killed because of their own artillery fire,
which is too close and therefore causes many victims... |
Another regiment
sees the opportunity to enter the village and leaves behind horrible
casualties. With the man against man fights no prisoners are made. Heavy
territorial fighting goes on during the entire day but the village is
still not taken. On both sides losses are terrible. Four German regiments
are put into action: out of 3500 men, 2000 are dead or hurt. With these
fighting’s the expression 'the Hell of Verdun' is used for the first
Tuesday - 29 February On this day also the battle for the village of
Douaumont continues. It is still fiercely protected by French artillery
fire. De attackers have many difficulties to go forward and suffer many
losses in doing so. When the evening falls German pioneers appear with
flame-throwers that spit a 30 meter long beam of fire. Because of the
demoralising effect this attack has, large groups of French soldiers
surrender. During the journey back to the German territory they have to
carry the badly wounded Germans with them. After another day of heavy
fighting, where the French are fired at from Fort Douaumont by the
Germans, the village is at last taken on the Thursday - 2 March. The
defending soldiers of the 33rd regiment surrender. Among the
prisoners is Charles the Gaulle.
French prisoners of war are
deported |
It is clear that the attack on Verdun is stagnating. The same
conclusion is reached by the German headquarters in Stenay. Measures are
being contemplated. General Pétain has reached his goal for now: The
German attack has been put to a halt and the French army even gained more
than the necessary 2 to 3 days.
An important cause for the stagnation comes from the side of the
Germans: because of the fact that German troops have gained a lot of
territory the passed week, the front lines are now out of reach of their
artillery support system. The battlefield has turned into a huge flooded
swamp of grenade shell-holes and the displacement of artillery is only
possible through immense effort. The most important supply of ammunition
stagnates. In the front lines, problems occur in the supply of spare
troops, ammunition, materials and replacements. Field kitchens are nowhere
to be found; food has to be carried to the front. Drinking water is very
difficult to come by. The wounded cannot be carried away and cannot
receive medical attention - many are left to die in the freezing cold. The
dead can not be buried because of the heavy shootings and are tossed into
a shallow trench; at a next artillery bombardment the corpses will
reappear. The weather conditions are extremely bad: cold, snow and rain
torture the men on both sides in the trenches on the battle field.
Falkenhayn had neglected to deploy spare troops when there was an
opportunity to break through; an opportunity which presented itself on the
25th and 26th of February. A fast break through,
however, was not included in the tactical concept of Falkenhayn. He wanted
the French army to 'bleed to death' and not to achieve a speedy victory.
The result was that the bruising battle, which Falkenhayn wanted, had now
become reality. The victims are not only French, as he had pictured it.
Germans also become victims of this battle more and more. Verdun seems to
be deteriorating into a mass slaughter, as never seen before.
The Left Bank of the river Meuse
Another important cause for stopping the German attack is the fact that
the French have brought in reinforcements and under the command of
Pétain, the French artillery has at last been sufficiently put into
position. Within a couple of days the battle strength has been increased
to 500 pieces, which are primarily stationed at the left riverbank. From
there, well protected behind the hill tops and out of reach from German
artillery, they have a devastating impact on the attacking Germans. On
Sunday - 27 February an attack was launched by the VII German army
corps to overtake the Meuse and to eliminate the French artillery firings,
however this attack fails miserably.
When the battle of Verdun stagnates at the beginning of March 1916, the
German army leaders reach the conclusion that the French artillery fire
had to be eliminated from the left riverbank before a successful march to
Verdun can be made along the right riverbank. The Battle for the Flanks is
about to begin.