[email protected]

What the list is and isn't

  1. [email protected] is a list to support the development of a publicly accessible historic site for the Battle of Camden (SC), 15-16 August 1780.
  2. The list is associated with the website Worksite of the HISTORIC SITE PROJECT for the BATTLE OF CAMDEN.
  3. The list and the website are intended to allow all those with a serious interest in justifying and developing such an historic site to participate in the process.. This is a good place to learn what the project and the mailing list are all about.
  4. The mailing list is set to require approval of the committee chairman to participate on the list. You may request list membership at [email protected] webpage. Other settings and features of the mailing list can be seen there, also. It is also suggested that you write the committee chairman, Charles B. Baxley, cbbaxley expressing what your interests are in the project.
  5. No attachments are allowed on posts to the list.
  6. The submission of transcribed primary documents (or scanned or links to same) are encouraged. E.g., Rev War pension applications of those serving at Camden are items that might be in the hands of family historians. Possible submissions should be discussed with the website editor. Any detected errors in the webpage should also be directed there.
  7. This list is not a suitable place to make enquiries on the possible participation of an individual in the battle. It is not a genealogy list. We plan to publish on the website all that becomes known involving rosters of units in the battle.
  8. Considerable effort has been exerted to enlist knowledgeable persons in the area to participate, as can be seen on the website. We know that there are other persons just as knowledgeable in other areas, who would be supportive of the project, and who would have access to documents and facilities which the current participants do not have. The website and mailing list are provided to encourage the involvement of such persons.
  9. Part of the purpose of the list and website is to accumulate materials that will be needed to "interpret" or "tell the story" of the historic site once it is developed. Additional contributions of images or links of portraits or bios on the participants are welcome.
  10. Opportunities will be sought to allow individuals to participate in ways that can be done remotely.