This orientation table, the last one on the Pegasus Trail route, overlooks the southern boundary of Drop Zone Nan. The high ground of the Eastern Flank, all important on D Day, is visible from here as is the water tower opposite the Chateau St Comte south of Breville.

The rest of 2nd Oxs and Bucks Light Inf Airborne landed here and advanced on and captured the nearby village of Herouvillette. Some of the larger gliders, the Hamilcar gliders, also landed in this area carrying the Tetrach tanks of 6th Airborne Recce Regiment.


The lay-by is now a dead-end, so now turn round and return to the road. Turn left, and at the junction of the main road to Caen, turn left on the D513 towards Le Mesnil. At the crossroads turn right on the D37 towards Troarn. Stop at the layby on the right, as you come off the cross-roads - this is Stop 4.

ŠPAUL REED 2002-2006

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