Wartime Dakota returns to the drop zones...
I was able to return to Arnhem again this year, this time
with some friends. We spent the weekend looking round the battlefields and
attending some of the ceremonies and events. It was great to see so many people,
and especially so many veterans, making it once more a memorable occasion.
Thanks to: Gary, Meurig and the two Davids!
Below are some selected photos from the weekend. Click on
a photo to enlarge it.
Paul Reed
September 2005
Email: Paul Reed

Photo Album - Arnhem September 2005
On Saturday 17th September a commemorative
jump was made onto DZ Y at Ginkel Heath. Paratroopers from several
nationalities made the drop, including the
entire 4th (V) Bn Parachute Regiment. Many people attended the event. |
Parachutists descend on DZ Y. |
A Chelsea Pensioner talks to a fellow
Airborne veteran. |
Veterans old and new. |
A moving site was the wartime Dakota
dropping men over the old DZ. |
The 4th (V) Bn Parachute Regiment make
their drop from a C130. |
Lone piper on Ginkel Heath. |
The vehicle rally at Hartenstein: a 'Don R'
arrives. |
Re-enactors in front of the Hartenstein
Hotel. |
An Airborne chaplain. |
A rare Schwimmwagen was one of only two
German vehicles at the event. |
Airborne jeeps. |
A reconstruction of one of the AFPS men:
very well done in my opinion. |
South Staffs Airborne jeep. |
Jeeps on the move in Oosterbeek again. |
Oosterbeek church in the Sunday morning
sunshine. |
ŠPaul Reed 2005