Auatuga Rifles Reunion circa 1890 at Autaugaville School Grounds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to Autauga at War. This site is about Autauga County, Alabama during the Civil War. It is a place for descendants of Autauga County Confederate Veterans & those searching for ancestors from Autauga County who may have served in the Confederacy to come toghether & share information, photos, documents, sources, & links. Members are encouraged to upload photos & documents into existing albums & folders of relevance. Information on this site is not to be considered 100% accurate. It is a combination of shared information from amatuer genealogists and may contain errors. Suggestions for corrections will always be welcome & considered. If you find this site useful to your research and have something to share, please join. Each member of Microsoft Groups is allowed 3.0 MB of free storage space to add to sites like this. The more members, the more we can share. Included are many links that will aid those searching for that elusive Confederate ancestor. If you already know your Confederate heritage from Autauga County please share it with us. <-- Explore the Site by using the Links in the Lefthand Site Menu. Recently Added Photos are to the Right_--> The Site Message Board is Below Why should I join the group? Only group members can post questions, comments, & info to the message board. Members can set up their email preferences to instantly recieve messages posted on the message board. Members recieve via email, weekly updates to the site which include the addition of new photos, new pages, new messages, new members, ect. Members can upload photos with descriptions and upload documents to the site. Members can create & add links to the site. Members can add book reviews & book recommendations to the site. The documents section is where members can upload family genealogy & photos, this area is only viewable to other members. Only Members can view the Member list, and the information they have provided about themselves. Non-members can only view the accessible portions of the site. Feature Photo James M. Scarborough and wife Nancy D. Motley (circa. 1905-1915). J. M. Scarborough, born in 1844, enlisted 8/26/1862 at Independence, Autauga County, AL. He served in Company E of the 53rd Alabama Partisan Rangers. On 3/1/1864 he transferred to Co. A of the 24th Alabama Battalion. He was discharged on 4/24/1865 and in 1907 applied for a pension at Jones, Autauga County, AL. James and Nancy died 12/10/1923 and 05/09/1921 respectively and may be buried at the Motley Family Cemetery near Milton in Autauga County.  A Note About Photo Albums - Photo Albums generally contain more than one page. Each page will contain a maximum of twelve photos. For the Autauga Veterans & Public Men and the Soldiers At Rest photo albums, I arrange the photos in alphabetical order by surname. When a new photo is added, it is positioned on the last page of the album. When I reposition the photo in alphabetical order, it will transfer to the proper page and the last photo on that page will transfer to the next page. The remaining pages in the album will adjust accordingly. To access the different pages of an album, perform the following: 1. Open the photo album to access page 1. 2. Locate the "Page Number" pulldown menu directly above the first photo. The pulldown menu will be located in the same place on every page. 3. Click on the arrow in the pulldown menu to see the list of pages in the album. 4. Highlight the desired page by placing your cursor on the page number and click. CSA Military Service Records & Pension Applications Look-Up Services are provided by Histoy-Sites.Com, home of the Alabama In The Civil War Message Board. No other site on the internet is visited more often by descendants and family genealogists searching for information on their Civil War ancestry than the message boards at History-Sites.Com. As a natural extension of their purpose, as the primary resource for Civil War history and genealogy discussion, History-Sites.Com with the assistance of some of their most experienced and dedicated researchers is now offering an economical, fast and professional Military Records Research Service. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Barry N. Wyatt Autauga At War - Group Manager |