Original Collection

Assembled for your viewing pleasure are some of the logos used by WNBC and other images that I have come across along the way.
NBC peacock look 1986 on NBC Corporate Logo Style - 1986 on. - When NBC reintroduced the peacock in 1986, they standardized the logo look for all their stations. Here is how it appeared on letterhead. Here's some really obscure trivia: Each feather of the 6 feathered peacock stands for a different division of NBC (Radio, News, Owned & Operated Stations, Sports, Television, and (Studios?))
Time Machine logo The Time Machine. - Big Jay Sorenson played the oldies overnight on the Time Machine. Weekends also.
NBC Ribbon Mic Ribbon Microphone. - I wouldn't be surprised if this microphone, or one like it, dates back to the 20's. It's not easy to see, but note the RCA Circular logo in the lower part.
WNBC N Logo The N-Logo. NBC Adopted the N logo only to find out a couple of weeks later that it was Nebraska Public Television's. I don't know what came of the controversy, did Nebraska Public TV get paid off? Write if you know, please.
11 feathered peacock The 11 Feathered Peacock. NBC brought the 11 feathered peacock back to go over the N logo in most places, I think this is a rare example of one without the N. The 11 feathered Peacock was originally brought about to introduce color broadcasting with the announce: "This program is brought to you in living color on NBC."
Letterhead N Logo The N-Logo. A color example of the N-Logo on the stations letterhead. This one was scanned from a letter sent to my by Imus' producer in 1982.

1943 Logo. The first official television network logo. Visit NBC's Corporate Information page  for a complete chronicle of TV Network logos.
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Page Last Updated on: Thursday, November 02, 2000

