Gerald's Railroads Of New Jersey
New Jersey Train Wrecks

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Note:  Minor grade crossing accidents and pedestrian accidents are not listed here.
Date Location Railroad Description Outcome
November 11, 1833 Hightstown C&A An axle broke on a passenger car causing the train to tumble down a thirty foot embankment.  James Stedman, a jewler from Raleigh, North Carolina was killed.  This was the first railroad related passenger fatality. 1 Fatality
November 19, 1836 Roseville MERR A defective switch caused two coaches to derail. 2 Fatalities
April 23, 1853 Rancocas Creek C&A There was a failure to signal an oncoming C&A train that the bridge had been opened.  The train plunged into the creek. ?
August 29, 1855 Burlington C&A Two trains stopped just short of each other on the single track line.  One train proceeded to reverse toward a passing siding at 30 MPH and struck a horse and buggy.  The last four cars of the train crumpled together. 24 Fatalites
100 Injuries
August 25, 1856 Phillipsburg LV The weight of two locomotives caused the wooden trestle over the Morris Canal to break apart. 2 Fatalities
1 Injury
December 14, 1889 Overpeck Creek NYSW Heavy snow glazed the face of a signal that showed the bridge had been opened.  A coal train plunged into the creek at full speed. 3 Fatalities
January 15, 1894 Newark MERR An express train bound for Dover crashed into an express train bound for South Orange. 11 Fatalities
35 Injuries
July 30, 1896 Atlantic City ACRR/
WJ&S Excursion struck the rear of an ACRR Express. 47 Fatalites
100 Injuries

ACRR Atlantic City Railroad
C&A Camden and Amboy
LV Lehigh Valley
MERR Morris and Essex Railroad
NYSW New York, Susquehanna, and Western
WJ&S West Jersey & Seashore

(c) Gerald Oliveto, August 2002

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