megmindposing.jpg (147011 bytes)  swingsetsix2.jpg (203203 bytes)  LindsDanGillHugs.jpg (162962 bytes)  xmasrearsnowball2.jpg (165680 bytes)   xmaspinetreepose4.jpg (267342 bytes)  xmascouch.jpg (297719 bytes)

Train_Lorton7-14-19.jpg (83353 bytes)  UnivGlobe1.jpg (176401 bytes)  FlaHotel5.jpg (200265 bytes)  FlaHotel8.jpg (208214 bytes)  CuddlingPorkers.jpg (140941 bytes)


curlylocks.jpg (174969 bytes)  EasterBlackDress2.jpg (216137 bytes)  safety_patrol1.jpg (140898 bytes)  vampireshirtcloseup.jpg (214852 bytes)  dance_stage2.jpg (174079 bytes)


STUFF FROM  2009     


Bluedress4-09d.jpg (196281 bytes)   Sunset2.jpg (185877 bytes)   Sunset4.jpg (160766 bytes)   BlueClawsAug09.jpg (115311 bytes)   HersheyLargestBar2.jpg (229985 bytes)  CometCoaster.jpg (174245 bytes)  WithDadBoardwalk2.jpg (121399 bytes)  

XmasDress6.jpg (450564 bytes)   XmasSweaterSnowy4.jpg (191319 bytes)  HalloweenPumpkinSmile.jpg (206708 bytes)



Some Christmas 2008 

xmas5.jpg (201834 bytes)   xmas2a.jpg (180344 bytes)


Lindsey received her first communion on May 4, 2008

comAzaleasPose1.jpg (646330 bytes)            comPortrait.jpg (242318 bytes)      comPorch1.jpg (366061 bytes)       comPresents3.jpg (215747 bytes)

looking ever so pretty in her communion dress

Our little spoiled girl got a Wii from her uncle !

  2008 began on a high note with a Hannah Montana concert in Atlantic City 

  LindsCloseup.jpg (143328 bytes)  Lindsatshow2.jpg (133432 bytes)  NicoleLindshamming.jpg (123550 bytes)

                 Easter 2008   

 easterC.jpg (116625 bytes)  EasterLindsPosing.jpg (124715 bytes)

Her 2008 school picture.  Quite a model pose.   SchoolPic2008a.jpg (191550 bytes)



Christmas Season 2007 SantaWithStars1.jpg (157895 bytes)  SantaTalking.jpg (158463 bytes)  100_0025.JPG (184833 bytes)  100_2472.JPG (231379 bytes)  100_2491.JPG (171739 bytes)

                                             Hanging with the Big Guy              Formal pose          Hannah, who ?      Proud Dad


Spring time 2007   AzaleaPosing2.jpg (205444 bytes)      MakingCupcakes4-07.jpg (132726 bytes)              BedWithSnowball4-07.jpg (139227 bytes)                    Dance_flowers1.jpg (258098 bytes)

                           Colorful azaleas            Making cupcakes            Snuggling with Snowball         Dance Recital outfit

Summer Vacation 2007   

        trainBOO.jpg (100398 bytes)          CastleDadLinds2.jpg (140307 bytes)          NemoLinds.jpg (205974 bytes)           csxLindseyCallahanFL.jpg (179965 bytes)     LindsFolkstonGA.jpg (178858 bytes)
     Clowning on the train      Yours truly at Disney      Hanging with Nemo      My train watcher    Gracing Folkston, Georgia

My two favorites pictures from Disney World.  Funny, the quick grab shots always come out better than poses.

                                                                    MouseEarsPose.jpg (150881 bytes)          CloseupPoseEars.jpg (172232 bytes)


Christmas 2006

                                           DressSnowball1.jpg (192700 bytes)       DressSnowball5.jpg (293316 bytes)   TalkingtoSanta.jpg (160980 bytes)  TreePosewithSnowball.jpg (181277 bytes)  



    Lindsey now has her very own kitten named Snowball.  He was 2 months old and very adorable. 

                          Snowballfirstdayb10-22-06.jpg (99124 bytes)       Snowballfirstdayc10-22-06.jpg (86299 bytes)    SnowballTrickorTreatBag2.jpg (159811 bytes)    TinkerBellcostume10-f.jpg (82613 bytes)     Catface10-8-06a.jpg (100200 bytes)

                                                                                           Halloween kitty    Tinker Bell          Halloween face


summer 2006 

               DisneylandCastle.jpg (188626 bytes)     SnowWhite.jpg (148158 bytes)     GhiradelliSquare.jpg (128412 bytes)     Dad_Linds_CoitTower.jpg (119998 bytes)    CoitTowerView.jpg (104523 bytes)    Linds_BeachNicePic.jpg (159980 bytes)     

                                                   Some photos from our summer vacation trip to California



          PrincessPajamasApril06.jpg (96021 bytes) purpleballetdress2006c.jpg (81221 bytes) RecitalDance2_2006.jpg (75280 bytes)  BalletCostumePose2006.jpg (229690 bytes)   SchoolPortrait06.jpg (210077 bytes)   FlowersB6-18-06.jpg (147099 bytes)

     Princess PJ's                    Ballet 2006                   2006 dance costume         Kindergarten portrait



HuggingPooh2-06.jpg (112492 bytes)  Snowball2006.jpg (41784 bytes)    xmas04ADtreeposing.jpg (91518 bytes) Linds_HelloKitty_Jan2006.jpg (51363 bytes)  Sweet_June05.jpg (92379 bytes)  ButterflyShirtb3-5-06.jpg (122755 bytes)


                                                                 CHRISTMAS PICTURES FOR 2005

                                                santa2005.jpg (73719 bytes)   XmasVillage2005.jpg (102039 bytes)   XmasKissKissBears2005.jpg (89837 bytes)   XmasTreeLinds2005a.jpg (95873 bytes)            



                                               Firstschooldayoutfit9-6-05.jpg (107945 bytes)    FirstschooldayDad9-6-05.jpg (164298 bytes)  Firstschooldaywaitingforbus.jpg (151416 bytes)  FirstschooldayOnthebus9-6-05.jpg (182551 bytes)

                                                   On September 6, it was our first day of school, another milestone 

          HuggingHenry8-05.jpg (75135 bytes)  BlueDenimOutfit9-05.jpg (377442 bytes)  Boardwalkmerrygoround9-05.jpg (101698 bytes)  PtPleasantLindsDad9-05.jpg (148685 bytes)  Linds_prettyface9-03-05.jpg (136205 bytes)  toothfairyletter072305.jpg (90040 bytes)  Linds_marieposing9-03-05.jpg (176438 bytes)

                         Some views from the summer of 2005, including a visit to the boardwalk and our first missing tooth

        MinnieMouse.jpg (116759 bytes)    Cinderella.jpg (120374 bytes)   From our 2005 visit to Disney World in Florida    Sleep_Mariecat.jpg (52738 bytes)  flowergarden2.jpg (75119 bytes)

                                                               Linds_clock.jpg (120986 bytes)     Linds_dancing2005.jpg (97593 bytes)  Linds_dancepose.jpg (80379 bytes)

                                                               Her 2005 stage debut doing the "Rhinoceros Tap"  

                                                                             Pictures from 2004 


qRay_Lindsey.jpg (72201 bytes)


 Lindsey with Grandpa, sadly he passed away in March 2004 and we miss him.


                                                        Summer 2004

                                         Linds_hawaiidress.jpg (99287 bytes)  Linds_hawaiidress2.jpg (69205 bytes)   Linds_Candydress04.jpg (62938 bytes)       LindsApril04closeup.jpg (60966 bytes)   

                                                 Halloween Princess costume

                                                       Linds_PrincessDress1.jpg (90427 bytes)  Linds_PrincessDress2.jpg (88816 bytes)  Linds_PrincessDress4.jpg (126942 bytes)                                             


                                                     Christmas 2004


 Linds_xmastree2004.jpg (71159 bytes) Linds_santa2004a.jpg (73696 bytes) Linds_santa2004c.jpg (64359 bytes) Linds_santa2004d.jpg (80847 bytes) Linds_santaline04.jpg (95916 bytes) Linds_xmas04closeup.jpg (106024 bytes) Linds_xmas04teddy.jpg (166834 bytes) Linds_xmasfloor04.jpg (59326 bytes)


                                                                   Pictures from 2003                                                                           


DisPooh03.jpg (82697 bytes)        DisPiglet03.jpg (71469 bytes)        DisEyore03.jpg (115412 bytes)     DisTigger03.jpg (88947 bytes)       DisMousy03.jpg (146782 bytes)     

Linds_window.jpg (91507 bytes)    Linds9-03smile.jpg (75033 bytes)   Linds9-03party.jpg (84398 bytes)  


LindsBeach2.jpg (48581 bytes)  Lindsgreen.jpg (41477 bytes)    Linds_flower03.jpg (101284 bytes)        


                             November 2003, fourth birthday                        Halloween costume

lindsbday4.jpg (162132 bytes)   Limds_bluedress.jpg (94201 bytes)      Linds_closeup.jpg (166768 bytes)                         Linds_minnie.jpg (90267 bytes)

                                      Christmas 2003

Lindsportraita.jpg (168631 bytes) Linds_backlitsnow.jpg (75320 bytes) Linds_Dec03snow.jpg (78351 bytes) Linds_treedress.jpg (94944 bytes) Linds_xmascard03.jpg (96491 bytes) Linds_santa.jpg (98073 bytes) Linds_redcoat03.jpg (82309 bytes) Lindsbyxmastree03.jpg (87008 bytes)